Thursday, January 29, 2009

So Many Wonderful Responses...We're Off to a Great Start!

First I want to say thank you to Desiree who designed our sidebar graphic. I have never met her before and she sent me an e-mail offering to help. I am so grateful...thank you!

I have received so many wonderful e-mails from people who want to send donations again this year. I think that is particularly incredible because we are in a recession and I know that money has become tighter for everyone. You are such amazing women.

I had some ladies ask about the things that Amanda needs. She needs clothing in sizes preemie to 4t for both girls and boys. Coats, shoes and boots. (she does not need anymore of the infant full body coats, we sent her plenty last year). She needs children's/infant's tylenol and motrin, teething tablets, infants liquid vitamins, little nose's decongestant. She uses playtex bottles with the liners.

Truly, she told me to tell you all to follow your hearts. But the children still love Craisins and eat them for breakfast whenever they can.

What is listed at the bottom of the last post is what we sent last year. I hope we do well this year too. It seems like a lot, but 18 babies go through 126 sleepers a week and that's if no one spits up or gets dirty.

Amanda brings home the babies who are most in need, the ones who it is feared will not survive if they remain in the main orphanage. She spends her time trying to stabilize the new babies and arranging for their medical care. For the older children who have been healed, she prepares their adoption paperwork and prays that a family will choose them.

The goal of this drive is to help supply her with the things she needs. Last year, she truly was amazed by the beautiful clothes that you all donated. She said that when the children went out, people wouldn't believe that they were orphans and she loved that.

I know that many of you were touched when you saw the children wearing outfits you had sent. It really was an amazing experience and I'm so glad that you all are helping me out again this year...thank you.

**ALSO, many of you sent cards and letters for Amanda last year, and I put them right into the boxes and sent them off to her. If you would like to send items for Amanda, I think that would be wonderful. She's a woman who lives with 18 children, so as you can imagine she has little for herself. I know that she is always looking for a good book to take with her when she travels to hospitals for the babies' surgeries. I think I'm going to buy some Bath and Body Works and send it along to her, that always makes me feel great. I also know that she wears crocs in a size 10, wide if they have them.


Anonymous said...

Packed, labeled, and in the mail by tomorrow!

Linda ★ Parker's General said...

Good to see you back in the saddle. You are so much more than you know. Love you~Kim!

Truly Blessed said...

I've got some boxes that I'll bring to church on Sunday. Must keep adding more, lots of drawers that still need cleaning out!

Jewels of My Heart said...

This is so wonderful and so are you!!!!!!!! Thank you for all you do for these precious children... The part where Amanda told you they were dressed so nice that people didn't think they were orphans was so precious...
So my friend, may I please copy your post for a post on my blog? And please send me your address.
Love you friend...

Faith, Hope, and Love said...

Oh Santa Baby!!! I just want kiss those cuties!!!!

I gave you an award over on Mia Hope's blog!
