Happy Birthday to Michelle at 'Waiting for Pumpkin'. I hope you are having a great day!!
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Happy Birthday Michelle!
The 5 Things Meme...Morphed into 20 Things About Me...
I have been tagged twice to do this meme, but I already did it a week or so ago. So, I guess I'll post some things you probably don't know about me...
1- I liked this show when I was a kid.
2- My favorite place when I was a child was my Grandmother's house.
3-My favorite holidays are Halloween and Christmas.
4-I love chocolate chip ice cream, just plain chocolate chip ice cream.
5-At Starbuck's I always order Chai.
6-I have cut my own hair since high school. I don't let anyone else touch it (except my Aunt).
7-I am a cat person. I love our dog, but my soul bonds with cats.
8-I have big feet/size 10.5
9-I believe in ghosts.
10-I believe that people who have died can communicate with you through dreams.
11-I believe that personalities are passed on through families. My son Tyler has my personality.
12-I am extremely loyal to those I love, but if you are not, I can't deal with it.
13-I associate people and events to music. Most people I love have a song and most major events in my life have a song associated with them also.
14-Whatever is on my mind usually comes out of my mouth.
15-I tell it to you straight, I don't candy coat anything.
16-I am completely unable to suck up. Don't do it.
17-I can't pretend to like someone I don't. This causes me problems sometimes.
18-I can hold a grudge like nobody's business (I know it's bad, I'm working on it).
19-I'm a shunner, you'll know if I'm mad at you because I won't speak to you.
20-If you are in trouble, call me, I will get you out of it one way or another.
Happy Birthday Shrimpy!
Have a wonderful birthday little Sterling!! I'm sure he would love to see some wonderful comments on his Mom's blog 'Dragonfly and Ladybug'.
Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to the Saturday Morning Chat Group!
Friday, August 17, 2007
Hockey Camp...
Today is Zach's last day at hockey camp. I'll be picking him up at 3pm. He has really been working on his skating skills this summer. His coach told him that he needs to be faster to keep up at the high school level. Hopefully he'll be ready now for this year's season. This is an old photo as I have been 'told' yes, that's 'told' and not 'asked', I have been told to not take any pictures of him and embarrass him. Yes, it's official now. I am his 'embarrassment' risk factor. Well, he'd better get over it pretty quickly here. I've been freezing in a hockey rink for 10 years now and I'm going to yell and jump around and take pictures just like I always have!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Have a Great Thursday Everyone!
It looks like it's going to be a mellow day today. It's not supposed to rain, but it looks like it could. I got an e-mail from Steffie B. It looks like our neocounters quit working..are any of you having that problem? I've got the 'furminator' on my mind..maybe I'll check one out today. I've got to find some postcards for Amy's postcard swap. Do I just send out ones that say Michigan on them? Have any of you done a postcard swap before? Let me know and have a great day.
The LayDFrog Bib Swap...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
A Quiet Day...
Christine at 'Sophia's Journey Continues' gave me this song. Thank you, it means a lot to me.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
I Need to Get Out and Smell the Flowers...
I am ready now to shake off this sadness and get back to my old self. I have made it through the funeral and it's time now to return to my life. I think I'm going to have a good cup of coffee and get back in touch with all of you. Nothing sounds more relaxing on this rainy night than sitting back, listening to some good music and reading some of your blogs.
An Overwhelming Secret Buddy Gift...

Monday, August 13, 2007
I Think We're Getting Through This Ok...
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Blog Baby Shower for Maggie Oatsvall, September 15th...Please Join Us!
Well ladies, it's time for us to come together and welcome another little one! Please join us for a baby shower for Maggie Oatsvall on September 15th. Her parents are Gwen and Scott from 'The Oatsvall Team'. Please feel free to visit their blog and become acquainted the family.