Good Morning! It's been a long time since I've had the Saturday Morning Chat Group, but if anyone is out there and would like to drop in and say hello, I'm here. I think I'll get our house decorated for the holidays today!
The Saturday morning chat group has closed. Thank you for a wonderful morning and enjoy the weekend!
I have received a lot of e-mails regarding the Christmas Card Exchange. Now, I want to protect everyone's privacy, so please leave a comment here if you want your address added to the list that will be distributed to our friends here in blogland. E-mail your address to me and I will add it to the list. If you do not leave a comment on this post, I will assume that you only want me to have your address. Also, my apologies, but to protect everyone's privacy, I need you to reference your blog before I will accept your address. My e-mail is timnkim@gmail.com. Please get your address to me before 12/9. I will distribute the list on 12/10 to give everyone plenty of time to get their cards in the mail.
Merry Christmas!
This is one of the first families that I saw united when I started my blog. This little girl is very special. Please pray for her as she goes into surgery tomorrow and pray for her mother Liz who I am sure needs our support right now. Their blog is 'My Red Thread to Ava Grace Yahan'. Please leave kind words and spiritual support for Liz. She is a wonderful friend and mother.
Well, the Yukon engine was pretty trashed, so we had little choice but to buy a new vehicle and get ourselves home. We loved our Yukon XL, but decided that we should choose something that can still fit all of our children, but provide us with the gas mileage that our commutes need. So, here it is: Our new minivan. minivan, minivan, minivan I swore I would never drive a minivan. But here it is. My minivan. Mine is white, but I couldn't find a white picture. It has the tv, sunroof, leather and a navigation system with a sultry mans voice. He's been named Jeeves. Someone tell me I still have it going on. minivan, minivan, minivan.
Ok, it's day 3 in Des Moines. The dealership said that there are no catalytic converters (don't know how to spell that) in the city and that one will have to be overnighted which means another day here. We're looking at at least $900 in car repairs and a third day of food for 6 and hotel accommodations. Not good when I still have Christmas gifts to buy. Oh well, what can we do?
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