This has been a very difficult week for my family. When I arrived here in Kansas City and saw my Grandmother, it was clear that we needed to get her to the emergency room. She has reached the place with her illness where she no longer wants to eat and she is very weak. She was in the hospital for 2.5 days receiving iv treatments and was evaluated by the doctors. I slept in the hospital with her one night and my Aunt the next. I am blessed by the night I was able to spend alone with my Grandmother.
Despite all of my Aunt's efforts, we knew that we needed help. We engaged hospice and they delivered a hospital bed and some other items that will be needed to enable my Grandmother to stay in her home yesterday. Today we meet with the hospice nurse. My Grandmother now requires 24 hour a day care. We are trying to keep her comfortable, her cancer has traveled to the bones in her side and she is in a lot of pain.
I am very grateful that I have such a strong and wonderful family. And that includes members who are not related by blood, but are family just the same. I have learned in this life that family isn't defined by genetics and my family includes many who do not share my dna.
A very special thank you to my Aunt Karen who does not read this blog. I wouldn't have made it though this week without you. And to Margaret who does read it, thank you for being there this week and helping us get to where we are today. Because of you, I will be able to return home and know that my Aunt and my Grandmother are in the best situation possible right now.
Thank you to my blog sisters who have showered me with strenght and love through your e-mails and comments. I sit most days in my Aunt's office right next to my Grandmother's room so I can hear if she wakes up. I sit here and read your comments and e-mails to pass the time and give me strength.
Thank you Robin. I love you. You are such a wonderful friend. Thank you for constantly sending me information and keeping in touch all throughout the days.
To my Aunt Pam who does not read this often: I love you and you are doing a great job and you are strong enough to lead our family. I am so sorry that I live so far away and that this is all on your shoulders.
It will be just you and me for a while until our children are fully grown, we'll walk together in this life and my Mother and Grandma will walk together in heaven. But we can make it and they will help us.