Saturday, May 10, 2008

Welcome to The Saturday Morning Chat Group!!

Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to the Saturday Morning Chat Group and Happy Mother's Day Weekend to you all!


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Ashley said...

The ignorance of some people ...

redmaryjanes said...

Good Morning again Amy!

Rhonda said...

I think I should update my blog post and ask where my personal apology is from Teleflora. :P

I want a non-mom waiting-mom mother's day bouquet...heh. Mmm sarcasm...

Ashley said...

Summer vacation -- what's that??

I'm taking summer classes so I can graduate next May. To me, giving up my summer is worth it to move the graduation date up! Short term pain for long term gain ...

Honestly, I couldn't handle 3 1/2 months of doing nothing. ;)

Unknown said...

Someone called my husband that a few weeks ago but I know what that really means!

Ashley said...

I'm gone ... have a nice weekend everybody!! :)

k1 said...

The cruise was nice. VERY SUNNY and WARM! We had a good time. Gained a couple of pounds back :(

It was nice to see my friend Cheryl again, and she and Lisa hit it off.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm back, my SIL is on the phone, she's going to try to join the chat this morning. So, I'll have a sister on too like Karen.

redmaryjanes said...

I love that Rhonda,
Yeah, I'm thinking I won't be getting that apology and that's ok because then I'd feel the need to let it slide and I really don't want to.

Unknown said...

K1 what cruise were you on? we just got back last Saturday from our Disney cruise

Anonymous said...

hello and good morning y'all.

redmaryjanes said...

Good Morning Trish!
Everyone...anonymous is my SIL. She has been amazing in supporting us and our adoption.

Unknown said...

good morning anonymous

Unknown said...

Hello Trish, SIL


Rhonda said...

I think that they've just 'swept it under the rug' and we're all just going to forget about it. They screwed up badly, and right before one of (what I can only hope is) the busiest order times of the year for them. I wonder if it actually hurt their 'bottom line'? I wonder if people cancelled orders because of this?

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in their boardroom...

Special K said...

Sorry, I'm late folks! Teleflora actually posted a comment on my blog! I appreciate the apology and think they did what they could at this point, but a hate that they have to qualify types of moms.

Unknown said...

Random thought here and I wont post this again, did you see the contest that Michael is doing?

YOu enter someone else and they win.!!!!!

Someone has already nominated Verna! Yippee!!!

Anonymous said...

i'm joining for first time today. i'm kim's sister-in-law.

redmaryjanes said...

I'm trying to help her navigate through all of the comments and refresh the page. She lives in Panama City Florida.

Rhonda said...

Special K,

Yup, that's what we've been discussing. I find the categories demeaning and demoralizing, personally. Adopting moms fall into each of those categories...why couldn't they just put us all into the same category as 'moms'?

I think the more that I talk about it, the angrier I'm getting. It's just not getting any better. *sigh*

redmaryjanes said...

Good Morning Special K. I went over and saw the apology.

k1 said...

We were on the HOLIDAY, a Carnival ship. Went from Mobile Alabama to Progreso and Cozumel Mexico and back to Mobile.

Unknown said...

HI my friend karen!

I miss you special K!!!

Special K is a First Friday friend!

Mav said...

Happy Mom's Day to you all

redmaryjanes said...

I'll go over and check it out Amy :)

redmaryjanes said...

How are the boys this morning Trish?

Unknown said...

K1, hope you had a good time..Our pics were posted this week!

redmaryjanes said...

Thank you R!

Kayce said...

Hi everyone! I haven't been here in a while and I happened to get up early today, so HI!!

redmaryjanes said...

Good Morning Kayce!
Thank you so much for that darling bib.
I love the card too and I'm looking for a frame for it.

redmaryjanes said...

Amy, you need to link Michael's blog to one of yours, then I can get over to it easily.

Unknown said...

Good morning kayce

Kayce said...

Hi guys!

Kim, I'm so glad you liked the card and the bib too. I had so much fun making those bibs!!! I just fell in love with the fabrics.

Hi Amy! How are you today??

Mav said...

Ya'll Have a great weekend, gotta run. Am heading south for a GI party at the church.

redmaryjanes said...

I love it, thank you again.

redmaryjanes said...

Are you still there Trish?

redmaryjanes said...

Have a great day R and drop in anytime!

k1 said...

I'm going to have to scoot soon. Happy Mother's Day to all you Awesome Moms and Waiting Moms and sisters and daughters (and one son!) of Moms and waiting Moms.

It's your hearts that makes you Mom's, not your wombs, and you have HUGE, GENEROUS hearts.

RMJ, just hung up with R. He was heading for the shower, so I'll say, "You're Welcome" for him.

Laura Nipper said...

Good morning ladies.

redmaryjanes said...

Have a great day Karen.

Good Morning Laura!
Any news on the baby shower?

k1 said...

Oh, Kimberley, before I go, could you please send me another CHAT link for my sidebar. I lost the original when I changed templates. Either the yellow or the blue is fine. Thanks

Unknown said...

Done..I added both of our blogs but Michaels is

Hope it shows up on our blog

redmaryjanes said...

I'll get one right over to you in e-mail Karen.

Laura Nipper said...

Good question. I am hosting my sister's baby shower next weekend and then I can focus on Crystal's after that. I am think the first weekend in June. After memorial day.

Unknown said...

Baby showers are sooo much fun

Laura Nipper said...

Yes baby showers are a ton of fun. I get to see a different side now since I am hosting one at my house. Love to see all the cute baby stuff.

redmaryjanes said...

Yes, I love buying baby things.
I ordered a dress for Savannah's shower gift from Robin.

Laura Nipper said...

Robin makes the most beautiful things. I am sure Savannah will look darling in it.

Laura Nipper said...

I will try and talk with Crystal this week and see what weekend in June works best for her.

redmaryjanes said...

Just let me know. I think it's going to be a lot fun.

Rhonda said...


redmaryjanes said...

Hey there Rhonda.

Unknown said...

Anyone have any adoption news?

I know friends who are very close to travelling to Ethiopia!

Laura Nipper said...

Oh yes I will let you know for sure. I think it will be lots of fun to.

redmaryjanes said...

The only news I have is that if you are going Special Needs, you need to be pushing your agency to start reviewing the shared list. I am all over my agency about it right now.

redmaryjanes said...

I love to hear that families are going to Africa, but I'm hearing it's a tough go.
It's taking them a long time to get out with their children.

Unknown said...

Ok, thanks! I would be sooo ready for SN, but wont push hubby.

Cant wait to get through the review room though!

redmaryjanes said...

I believe we are being reviewed this month. My SW told me she has never been questioned on any of her dossiers, so here's to praying we get through ok.

trish said...

the boys are doin fine. they miss daddy and are anxious about moving, leaving old friends and making new ones.
but they are hanging in there.

redmaryjanes said...

Hey there Trish,
Girl, you figured it out!
You need a blog now.

I am so thrilled that you are here.
You are the best sister in law : )

Unknown said...

I wish you a speedy review

trish said...

i would love to go on a cruise. maybe for my b-day in 3 years i can. or maybe when my husband gets back. that would be awesome!

redmaryjanes said...

Thank you Amy. I tell you, it's on my mind all of the time now. I think I need a hobby!

redmaryjanes said...

My brother in law is in the Air Force and is in Korea for a year. So, Trish is home in FL with my two nephews.

trish said...

i'll just stick with yours kim. i have no need to have my own. i have a my space and don't use it. we are mainly using yahoo im.

Laura Nipper said...

Well ladies I hope everyone has a great mother's day. I am off to organize my house and start our morning out here.

Kimberly I will be praying that your review goes smooth and quickly.

Rhonda said...

I've been through review for months, but I find the adoption is all that I think about...and yet we still have years to go.

redmaryjanes said...

Thank you Laura,
Have a great Mother's Day!

redmaryjanes said...

this wait and uncertainty can really get to you.

trish said...

gald i finally made it to morning chat, but i need to go and run some errands. the fun never ends. i prayer for all of the MOMS here, bio and adoptive, it's still the hardest and yet most meaningful job out there! and as we say in laborand delivery, the real work starts after the baby is born! god bless you all.

Unknown said...

Im o glad Trish joined us today.

You know what makes me sad is that I dont hear anyone "hoping for a speed up" anymore!

redmaryjanes said...

Well ladies, it is after noon I'm going to take off and start my weekend.
Happy Mother's Day to you all!

Rhonda said...

By the way, there was an article in MacLean's (a Canadian magazine) about Chinese adoption which you might be interested in. It's the good, the bad and the ugly, but all in all, it's fairly well written and *gasp* balanced.

April said...

Oh man...I'm really late this morning. Is anyone still here?

Kim said...

Hope you liked your little goodie..
It wasn't much but I thought you might like it..
Happy Mother's Day..

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