Good Morning Everyone! Welcome to the Sat Chat. It's going to be a short one today...we are visiting friends whose son Jacob is having a birthday party today. We need to be at their home about an hour away by noon. Eli is so excited! He loves to go to birthday parties.
I think I'm going to put out a last shout for the CARD AND ORNAMENT EXHANGES. If you would like to join in please e-mail me asap, I am going to e-mail all participants on Sunday so that they can get their cards and ornaments out.
Linda at 'Parker's Paradise' has a new Granddaughter who will be home from China soon, please visit her blog and leave your Congratulations. I am so happy for you and your family Linda!Also, our dear friend Lala and Annslee should be home very soon with little Coby, their blog is 'Ladybugs and Dragonflies'.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Good Morning Everyone and Welcome to the Saturday Morning Chat Group!
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Hi there everyone, I see you coming by on the Feedjit. Are any of you going to chat today?
Good AM! I've already been out to Walmart this morning. Our 15 year old is wrapping presents as a little project with her SS class. So we are up and going!
Good for you! I just got out of bed right before 8am.
I need to start getting our presents wrapped though. We're in pretty good shape for Christmas, we have a couple more gifts to buy, but not too many.
Yep - I think we are down to maybe a couple of little gifts to pick up. I'll bet it's COLD where you are this AM -- it's 28 here (Atl)!
My little one is coloring a pic of Santa - she is learning to say "I want Santa to bring me that" when she sees ANY toy on TV.
We are actually cutting back this year!
It is cold here and must have snowed overnight since I see quite a bit outside.
We are really cutting back on everything right now, but it doesn't seem to be impacting us too much. We all are still having a wonderful holiday season.
Tim's job is directly tied to General Motors, so far so good...but we're watching our money closely.
Just a quick hello- I am off to do some Christmas shopping. We are scaling way back too. Just got official word about the orphanage fee increase. UGGG. Day 95 of our LOA wait.
Hi there Shelly,
Yes, we got a letter from our agency saying the fees are up to 5k now.
Good Morning lovely ladies.
I am about to head out the door,but I first wanted to great all the pretty women out in blog world and say HI.
I am headed for my usual breakfast then to church to pack bags of candy to hand out after the Christmas program tomorrow evening.
Hope all of you have a great Saturday.I am going to try to.
My job is somewhat "iffy" - I'm in sales for a publishing co. We'll see!
We are waiting for our TA -- sitting on this LOA is tough -- so close to China, but can't make real plans....
Yes- I am going to look at applying for another grant. I have faith it will all work out. Does anyone do internet Christmas shopping? This is the first year I ordered a few items online.
Have a wonderful weekend Mr. Brian!
My husbands really enjoys shopping on-line, but I still go out to the stores. I do most of my shopping over my lunch hour at work.
It seems like a lot of people are waiting for TA..I wonder what the hold up is?
good morning everyone.i have few minutes before i have to leave for my knitting classs
I have to run- got a little girl who says she doesn't feel good. Hope it nothing bad or contagious !
Have a great weekend everyone.
C+H- hope TA comes soon !!
We ordered the CUTEST PINK trike for Ally (3) from Amazon. It is so much nicer that the more expensive ones at Target! We don't do a LOT of internet shopping, but do a love ebay! I just got her some dinosaur toys for a fraction of the cost of new!
Good Morning Amy!
Have a great day Shelly, hope your daughter is ok.
how do you get this to big screen so you can refresh it again???
Hmm...maybe we should look on-line more. Eli is getting a little bicycle for Christmas.
Yay knitting!
Amy, Bruce is trying to give you a call.
We are still holding out hope to get to our new little girl by the 30th of Dec (tax returns and possibly avoid the "donation" increase!). It's getting down to the wire. I can be ready to fly in a couple days notice --- at least I think so! crazy
Right click on the '15 words from a friend' and when it opens click 'Open Link in New Window' and it should open right up to a bigger screen.
Good Morning Karen! How's Micah doing?
I hope you can get your girl home in time. We hoping to be matched and through by the end of this year too, but it's not going to work out that way.
I need to spend some time knitting today.
Amy, we received your Christmas card, that is a great photo! Ours should be in the mail soon to you. I forgot to bring my cards to work with me yesterday so I could mail them.
I used to know how to knit when I was a girl, but I have forgotten. I could only knit a scarf back then though.
Hey AMY -- you got to Donna's blog before I did this AM -- I guess you checked it from work! I've enjoyed her posts so much!
There is a link on the Special Needs Forum on the Rumor Queen that allows people to post when they get LOA and TA, etc. The next dates to get TA got their LOA's on 11/13 (ours was 11/21). Our first TA came 2.5 weeks after LOA). DOn't you love the adoption language?
Hey Cupcake!!! Haha I was up all night at work so I get first dibs on blogs!!!!
You are welcome RMJ!!!
That is hilarious! So you like Mexican? It's my very fav -- although, we are trying to cut back on our "eating out"! We did fill up our car for $1.35/gal yesterday! It was amazing to fill the Expedition for about $30 something!
Donna and I do mexican after our weigh in each week
Yes, the language is something...we need out our own book of acronyms.
Any new baby names Amy?
What kind of "weigh-in" is that? WW?
Ally just told me "I love hot sauce (or maybe she said stuff)"! I eat it on my eggs! I try to do the moderately-low-carb thing. Works very well when I can stick to it!
Yes we do WW together on Wednesday
We had a FRIENDLY baby in last week
After Christmas I'm going to start trying to shed some pounds.
Oh my word, Tim just came over to show me his first gray hair.
I've been having to color my hair for 12 years now, so I'm not really sympathetic :)
Does everyone have a local radio station that plays continuous Christmas music? We have 2 in our area and I LOVE it -- just like a break from the DIsney Channel!
Hmm... a FRIENDLY baby, unusually but it makes you smile.
Yes, we do have a Christmas station and I listen to it all the time. It started up the day after Halloween though, which was a little too early for me :)
so Kim how are you really doing???
I got very faint highlights in my hair the last time -- I actually liked it. My big girls and I may get a haircut when we are in China - just for the heck of it!
We've been watching abc family too. They have Christmas movies all day today. We have to go to a birthday party today though.
I switch between two Christmas stations, but everyone once in a while I have to go back to regular music.
I'm ok. I get frustrated and sad sometimes. I did get some positive news that our agency is watching the list at night now. I just have to remember God is in control and our daughter will come when the timing is right.
i thought about calling you this week but didnt have your number...soooo sad
RMJ -- that is WONDERFUL that the agency is at least looking. It's hard to go with the Shared List - you have to decide so quickly! Our agency would let families see the WHOLE list and let the family just inquire about a specific child -- the agency didn't "pick for you" I guess. If anyone needs a HEART DOCTOR to review a SN referral, there is a very nice doctor in Boston that has reviewed both of our daughter's meds before we said YES! I just emailed thier meds to him. His wife is Chinese (so I've heard) so she can read from the original non-translated version. I have found some instances of mis-translation. Some pretty significant - like the word for TUMOR is very close to something that is no-where near that scary!!!! So, if anyone goes SN HEART - let me know! I'm no expert, but I can get you to one!
Are you so sad Amy? You can call me anytime. I'll e-mail my phone number.
i was being a bit sarcastic..Im not sad at all..tired perhaps, but not sad!!! yes I would love your number
I just e-mailed it to you.
So who here has been waiting the longest? What are your LIDs?
My LID is 2/6/07
Guys, I gotta go to knitting class
Kim, youve got mail,
See all of you in blogging world
Morning, I am checking in briefly as we have a crazy day but it has been forever since I have been able to be here.
Have a great day Amy!
Good Morning Margaret!
We had an incident this morning and I am needing advice...if you have time, head to my blog and leave me some words of wisdom!!!!
Well, I'm off to get my hair cut. Bruce is sick again. Sigh.
Amy...if you are still here...I hope you have a wonderful week.
Kim...I love the pics of the boys. That was so funny.
I hope Bruce feels better soon.
Have a good weekend Karen! Give Micah a peck on the cheek~
I'm coming right over Margaret!
Thanks about the boys, man it took us forever to get a decent photo..
My sports feature has really saved me when trying to get pics of both kids at the same time. It is really hard to catch Lily's eyes!
As much as I hate to jump in and leave, I really must. I have one who needs some extra attention this morning. In addition, we need to shop for a birthday present and our angel tree family, make food for a family that just lost a loved one and get our home ready for our 6 month post placement visit this week. Hard to believe that it has been 6 months since we first met Graeme.
I wonder if my camera has a sports feature, I'll have to look it up. I really have a tough time getting good photos when more than one child is involved.
I just left you a comment Margaret.
Kim, Thanks for the sweet comments. I thought this was typical with both adopted and bio children but it helps to discuss it and see how to deal with it. I'm off and will miss next Saturday as we will be traveling to Louisiana for Christmas with Mom
I'm glad I was able to stop by. I love reading the quot es on your blog. Inspiring! Have a wonderful weekend!!!
Christmas in Louisiana sounds wonderful. Yeah, sibling rivalry is very normal.
Your family is just beautiful. I just love the latest family photo.
You too! Safe Travels!
Have a great day everyone! We are having our BIG Christmas today.
I am excited about the ornament exchange. Thank you, Kimberley for arranging it.
Hi there Lea, you are going to have a wonderful family day today. Merry Christmas! Good luck in the kitchen :)
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